Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and fatal neurodegenerative disease in cattle that may be passed to humans who have eaten infected flesh. BSE causes a spongiform degeneration of the brain and spinal cord. BSE has a long incubation period, of 2.5 to 5 years, usually affecting adult cattle at a peak age onset of four to five years.
What penetrates your cells to their nucleus? What spills through your body worse than dysentery? What eats away at flesh worse than cancer?
COMPLAINING - express dissatisfaction or annoyance about a state of affairs or an event.
The poison of the mind. We've all been there...
The morning from hell -
- Stepped in cat shit in the hallway on the way to the bathroom.
- A flat tire on the way to work.
- An extra service charge.
- A husband who won't pick up after himself.
- A toddler who won't quit taking off his shitty diaper and smearing it on the walls.
Your brain is on fire and you just want to sleep. Your life is overwhelming and you just need a break. Divorces, bankruptcies, injuries - Nothing, and I mean nothing, is proving itself to be how you thought your life SHOULD be at your age.
They say tears come because of an overwhelming sense of emotion. Something you can control. so WHY do we try so hard to hold back something so natural and instead SPEW negative, poisonous dissatisfaction on everyone we come in contact with?
We thought we were just "venting" But complaining is validating, it's assuring you that every thought that pops into your brain is worth sharing and repeating. Your temporal frustrations are TRUTH. Your conditions are your REALITY. Your FEELINGS are the most important thing on the planet. It's like social media. With every negative share, it seems you have created a FACEBOOK algorithm for engagement. A friend begins to comment, only perpetuating the poison and spreading the negativity like wild fire through everyone's "news feeds." I'm telling you, you're complaining has gone viral.You've given EVERYONE in your social circle MAD COW DISEASE, and you didn't even know it! suddenly all of your friends are rolling on the ground, whaling and moaning. The complaining is killing them all.
Mad Cow Disease? Not hardly the thing that comes to mind when we prepare for Thanksgiving. This time of year is one of my favorites. There is truly something devine about coming together for a meal. It's something truly special, connecting, and nourishing. Breaking bread with loved ones around a table, talking and sharing, it's almost spiritual.
What is it then? How can I draw reference between such things so truly opposite. A disease that literally eats away at a beautiful animal from the inside out, eating away at flesh, destroying brain tissue, essentially leaving nothing left of a cow but a zombie reflection paralled with one of the warmest and richest holidays in our nation.
Thanksgiving is the cure. Only with gratitude can we heal the cells from the inside out. It is perfectly impossible to be thankful and complain at the same time. Gratitudes and thoughts of thankfulness can actually change your neuropathways, creating cellular change in your brain.Change the way you speak and you'll change the way you live. GIVE YOURSELF A BRAIN DETOX! Spend the next 7 days sharing what you are most thankful for! The simple act of sharing will change your perception and feelings on your current situation. Positive mental attitude will attract positive outcomes in your life TODAY.